Family Dedication (Formerly Called "Parent Dedication / Child Dedication") | 家庭委身禮登記表

Thank you for registering for Family Dedication (formerly referred to as Parent Dedication / Child Dedication)! Our pastoral staff will reach out to you with next steps.
Parent Information 家長信息

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Contact Information 聯繫信息

Child Information 兒童信息

Please select one option.
Dedication Details 委身詳情

Please select all that apply.
Visitation and Interview 家庭訪問和面談

Family & Child Photos 家庭與兒童照片

Please upload photos here: one (individual) photo of your child and one family photo. These pictures will be used during the Parent Dedication. Photos should be in PNG/JPEG/HEIC format; no low-resolution photos, please.
請在此處上傳照片:一張您孩子的(個人)照片和一張家庭照片。 這些照片將在父母委身禮使用。 照片應為PNG/JPEG/HEIC格式; 請不要上傳低畫質照片。
The photos you submit here may also be used to update your child's profile in our church database (Breeze, used for checking into Children's Ministry programs), and your family photo may be used for our members' Photo Prayer Guide. 

If you would like to OPT OUT of using these photos for the church database and/or prayer guide, then please check the box below. If you check this box, then the photos you submit will ONLY be shown during the Parent Dedication and not used elsewhere.

如果您想選擇不將這些照片用於教會數據庫和/或代禱手冊,請勾選下面的方框。 如果您選中此框,那麼您提交的照片將僅在父母委身禮顯示,而不會在其他地方使用。

Please select all that apply.


Thank you for registering for Family Dedication (formerly referred to as Parent Dedication / Child Dedication)! Our pastoral staff will reach out to you with next steps.