This form is to be completed by all applicants for any position involving the supervision or custody of minors. This is not an application for employment. It is used to help Houston Chinese Church provide a safe and secure environment for children who participate in our programs and use our facilities. This application contains some questions that are personal in nature. Please be assured that sensitive information is kept confidential. If this is your first time serving at church, we welcome you!
Sunday School Sundays 9am-10:45am
Kids' Church Sundays 10:45am-12:15pm
Awana Fridays 7-9pm
Nursery Sundays 9am-10:45am
Sundays 10:45am-12:15pm
Welcome Team Sundays 8:45-9:45am
Sundays 10:30-11:30am
Logistics Flexible
List two people you know who are: 1) over 18 yrs old, 2) not related to you, 3) have known you more than one year, and 4) have, preferably, observed you working with children.
We regret that today’s societal and legal climate compels us to include the following question. If you prefer, you may choose not to answer it on the form and instead discuss your answers in confidence with one of the pastors. Answering in the affirmative or leaving the question unanswered will not automatically disqualify you.